


Created by Master Li Kui-ming with his enlightenments through Esoteric Buddhism practice over the past 3 decades, “Master Li’s Fortune Calligraphy” has had hidden power supported by ancient Chinese culture, the five elements (Wu Xing) and Astrology, it breaks the reading barrier of traditional Chinese calligraphy, sustains and flourishes the ancient Sanskrit seed words of "Siddhaṃ script" in contemporary life, encourages people to be kind-hearted and positive thinking, strive for improvements with a pure and positive mind. Philosophies and Buddhism preaching are planted in every seed word. Master Li’s Fortune Calligraphy has been widespread since 2021.

展覽日期:2021年9月15日(星期三) 至9月19日(星期日)
香港藝術中心四、五樓「包氏畫廊」展覽廳同時展出 (請於五樓進入會場)





同時推出新書《李大師吉祥書道 - 怡然金剛的梵文世界》

匯合書法藝術、玄空飛星、密法加持、八字神數及悉曇吉祥梵文種子字而創立的 「李大師吉祥書道」,於2021年正式誕生。


這是懸掛於家家戶戶廳堂上的一個吉祥書法加持物,是海報、壁畫,也是一道美 麗而莊嚴的祝福。

此書結集大師部份作品以饗各界讀者,其中部份作品將在9月15-19日香港藝術 中心展出!歡迎蒞臨欣賞和指教!